A smile breaks across his face, and he claps his hands. It is as if he has won the lottery, but it is so much better than that. I ask what it is he has read to give him such joy. He is reading the Bible, and is exclaiming with incredible joy and energy how sin is still living inside of us but through Christ we have the power to overcome! How encouraging?! The excitement he finds in reading the word of God is invigorating and inspiring.
Her laughter is infectious. I start laughing. It doesn’t matter I am around the corner in the office, and I have no idea what she is laughing about. Her laughter bounces off the walls of the clinic and lets me know it is going to be a good day.
He sees me from a distance and starts bouncing in his mother’s arms waving his little hand. His name is Akol. His arms open wide, he lets me know he wants me to hold him. I can’t hold him for long because I am on my way to the clinic, and he is on his way to the mission with his mother. Moments like this can keep me going all day long.
The tears are streaming down her face as she sits in worship. She is hearing the Word of God as if it is written only for her. She wrestles in her heart as she is convicted of sin, and as sin fights for her attention. Heartache and disappointment assault her today, but as she listens she hears that God will provide. She is singing to God in personal confession of sin and basking in the affirmation of His grace. My heart breaks as I watch her from across the church. We meet up after the end of worship, and walk home arm in arm. She shares her struggles and her joys, and we bring them before the Father of light together.
His voice breaks as he shares the loss of a child. I feel the sting of tears as the reality hits me. A little person never got to take his first breath. Our friends will bury the lifeless form that they had eagerly anticipated these past nine months. In the end, I have to stop and recognize that God is sovereign over all. He is sovereign even over the heartache in this life. I have to stop and claim His promise that He will work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
We are seated on the counter drinking tea. She shares her struggles. I share mine. We get lost in conversation and tea. Two pots of tea later we decide it is time to move on with our day. Our conversation was full: convicting, funny, and encouraging. Our day is made all the more enjoyable because we had a few hours to sit on the counter and think deep thoughts together.