Thursdays are the days of shots. Every week we have an immunization and antenatal day at our clinic. This week our staff members got a little bit of a surprise. They were "victims" of one of the immunizations. You see Jim found out that very few of our staff members have had tetanus immunizations since infancy. As health care workers, their risk of encountering tetanus is increased, and Jim decided it was in everyones best interest to be immunized. You would have thought he asked them to take a bullet in the arm rather than an injection from a small needle. The reactions varied, but NO ONE was excited to receive a shot in the arm. One by one they faced their fate, and were shot, twice, simultaneously. One shot from a needle, and the second shot from a camera. You see these momentous occasions must be documented. Some took it like champs with hardly a flinch, and others... well.... others reacted :)
The day the staff members got shot
When I first met Toto Lopeyok (Momma of Lopeyok) and Lopeyok I never would have guessed that they would be a source of joy and encouragement every week. In fact, my first reaction to these two was quite different. I was angry. Angry that a mother could find a few hundred shillings more important than the life of her son. Angry that her hungry stomach was more important to her than her son's empty stomach. I was grieved that this poor two year old was fighting for life, and his mother wasn't helping him.
Shoe polish anyone?
So there are days that I wish I had the power to change my skin color. You see my skin color alone makes me stand out in this place, but sticking out isn't the big issue. It is the fact that because I am white I must be made out of tum-tums (candy) and money. Although it sounds like a lot of fun to just give away all the candy and money I can, it is not helpful. Sure it might make their day today, but did I really solve the problem of hunger? Did I really solve the problem of not having money today? More importantly, how did I help their heart? If I had all the money in the world, and could solve physical hunger, would it matter? Friends, each one of us needs to seek the living water. The water that satisfies. The water that lasts forever.